I miss the JCrew catalogs from 10 years ago when I was in highschool. There was an outdoorsy artsy feel to the clothes. Not that I could afford them then, still can't. I'd sit for hours flipping through a years worth of those catalogs - the cool looking ladies towing a rowboat in a flannel nightshirt and boots and the suede peacoat that seemed to go so well w/ the field boots. How'd I come to this thought you ask? I was sitting at my desk - holding my head as it's aching something wicked - and staring at my mary janes. The toe of them is all that seems to show when I'm standing up and they remind me of this pair of field boots from the catalog 10 years back. I always liked those boots.
I'm finding it extremely difficult to keep my eyes focused on the computer screen today, well in all honesty any focus is difficult right now. This back and forth changing weather is wreaking havoc on my sinus' and if this headaches persists - and the loud talking, screaming stories down the hall, and knuckle rapping on my window - I very well may sit down and cry. Seriously. Or throw up on my shoes....
I'm feeling in need of inspiration of some kind. I'll be honest - I'm kind of glum today. Not that I'm really in a BAD mood persay, just glum. Tired, head hurts, stuff on my mind that I'm struggling with. Feels like I need a nap, perhaps a hug, more tylenol.....And I wonder what kind of inspiration I can find to lift me back up.
Perhaps the thought of toast and jam for dinner, or an earlier bedtime tonight. Maybe....
I'm very excited for my hammerhead shark tattoo. I should (hopefully) be able to get it in the next few weeks. I'm very excited. I can't help but wonder how the hammer heads' head feels. You know, with the scalloped edges. Not that I plan on jumping into a school of em to find out mind you.....
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